notice: Ourspace is in archive mode going forward. I just don't have the time/energy to run this anymore. :( This page will stay up as long as neocities allows. the ring will be broken if people remove their code, and I won't be checking this page for broken links. Hopefully there are still plenty of spaces here for you to explore!
There are other webrings now, though! If you're looking to join one with a similar ethos, check out the yesterweb ring.
our space: a webring
Our Space is a webring of static sites created by the individual who runs it - personal, hand-crafted sites.
They were more common during the early stages of the internet, but these pages still exist &
have an important place on the internet - possibly more important than ever before.
In an internet dominated by social media,
having such a site is an act of revolution. It gives us a space for individuality and unfettered creativity. But, if you don't know where you're looking,
they're often difficult to find.
They don't typically show up on the front page of google, and the average web user may not realize they even exist.
That's why this webring was born - so we can easily find other sites created in this spirit.
All sorts of sites are accepted: homepages about you/your cat, hobby sites, personal art portfolios, etc. The only rule is your site must have been created by you.
donated graphics!
by gigi @ bootleg64:
by wizardcat:
by jake:
the code
updated: 11/25/17
+ poor laika - "A small personal site floating in (cyber)space. Photography, writing, and even stuff for visitors to take home with them"
+ Lil Melon Kingdom - "Long live the melon empire!"
+ My Own Universe - "I try to learn coding in my site"
+ WebSiteRing - "NOTICE: TO COMPLY WITH PRIVACY LAWS THIS SITE IS FOR AGES 14 AND UP. A weblog listing old websites, Bible verses, and, on occasion, other web-related resources. Updated almost every day."
+ Like Home - "Make yourself at home"
+ Rocketmix - "A website where a kid has a daily blog and sometimes posts other stuff."
+ UsernameTaken - "personal website for things, apologies if any of the links are broken"
+ Flowerfuck - "A personal website for my zines and art, as well as the odd things I obsess over."
+ FloppyJay - "Fun Stuff, Web Resources, Kewl Games, and more to enhance your journey through the web. Click to explore!"
+ Jowie Schulner - "Dutch electronic music pioneer."
+ Jake Online - "I do stupid crap just because I can. It's pretty "swag" as the kids say.."
+ Misty's World - "A personal webpage where the design is inspired by websites from the 90s. It exists for me to strengthen my HTML skills, and to share my personality with the world!"
+ wizcat. - "enter the wiznet."
+ alcleaner - "atari, gameboy, and other retro stuff"
+ codeinfig - "A site dedicated to coding, computers and the fig programming language."
+ bootleg64 - "Personal webspace with writings and drawings!"
+ Caitlin Rose Moore's Art - "A portfolio of my art and media!"
+ Tomato Hentai - "My blog! It's not really about 'personal' stuff like what's going on in my life, it's more me writing about the things I like (or not)."
+ lukas's world! - "my personal site! :D i talk about my interests and post pics of random things that i think the netizens viewing will enjoy!"
+ Conor's World - "Your destination has been reached. Welcome to Connor's World!"
+ arcadevirus - "personal web-site, a place for me to make my own and have fun and improve at html!"
+ Aether Fountains - "Welcome to Aether Fountains, your one-stop for all your A e t h e r needs on the wired. We hope you enjoy your stay at A e t h e r Fountains."
+ PotassiumMCR - "My website is just a bunch of random stuff, but the main area is my music collection, or me talking about my favorite artists and stuff, but will also include my blog, my graphic design stuff and more."
+ tsuyoi medicine - "personal space with little interesting things here and there. has a mini blog about nothing in particular and more things planned to be added"
+ Up All Night - "A place where I'll write about various pop culture topics from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s including video games, TV, film, etc."
+ Eira - "Random thoughts, cool graphics and movie reviews!"
+ K1n2a3o4i5n6r - "Random links to things you can do! Also contains side pages and secret pages"
+ finn's hellscape - "dedicated to things i like, mostly idol pop, supplemented with lovely graphics."
+ rick's site! - " a personal site that talks about lot of stuff! old music, art, etc etc.."
+ GwtaGacw - "Art! Guinea pigs! Aliens!"
+ MerlinXP's website " It's about my computing and gaming experiences, and I also do a blog about things come into my mind."
+ Station Square - "Station Square is just a Sonic fansite with some
interesting features. Visitor involvement is welcome (and encouraged)."
+ goodmode - "a personal site about thoughts, experiences, and connection"
+ Lykakspars - " The personal website with some public stuff."
+ Riley's website - " Stuff that I do or make I will post on here."
+ exosilver's fansite - " my personal stompin' grounds on the internet. contains: retro game collecting, cartoons, rubbish. perpetually in a state of unfinishedness."
+ Andrew Jonkman's Rabbit Hole - "Just a little personal site that I thought I would add here since I love the concept. It currently just features a blog and stuff about me."
+ Hopefully you?